Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Caught on Video: Possible Drug Swallowed by Vice Mayor Parojinog During Raid

A new video is now circulating online about the attempt of Vice Mayor Nova Princess Parojinog to conceal a possible evidence against her. 

In her previous media interview, she claimed that the raiding team headed by Chief Inspector Jovi Espenido planted all the evidences gathered in her house in Ozamiz City. She also claimed that the police cut the CCTV during the search and stole the hard drive. She also appealed to President Duterte to initiate an inquiry about the simultaneous serving of search warrants against her family.

The Parojinogs are included in the drug list of the President and known for their links with convicted drugs lords in the Bilibid prison.

The raid resulted in the deaths of Mayor Reynaldo Parojinog Sr, her mother, brother, and a number of barangay civilian volunteers. These volunteers acted as private guards to the Parojinogs according to the local police. 

In the video clip, Vice Mayor Nova Parojinog attempted to hide a packet of white substance from the police officers while they are searching her room. When police officers is searching her belongings, she immediately get something from a bag and hid it in her hand. She even swallowed a small object, which could be a sachet containing a powder substance (which could be a small pack of drug), a sim card, or other possible evidence against her.

Please take a look at this video clip aired by GMA News.

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